Silicone Injection Molding
Specialty Manufacturing, Inc. (SMI) offers custom silicone parts manufacturing and silicone injection molding for small to large volumes and parts that call for additives, such as colorants. SMI holds tight tolerances and specializes in molding silicone parts that are highly detailed and creating highly detailed intricate silicone parts for applications across a variety of industries. Request a quote on custom silicone injection molding at the link below.
Why Go With Injection Molding
Silicone injection molding offers a precise shot size and, in turn, greater control of flash when compared to other processes, like compression molding. When injection molding silicone parts, flash is inherently controlled while the tool is under clamp pressure in process. With higher product volume, fixed tooling costs, and the elimination of additional post-molding deflashing work, injection molding is a highly compelling, cost-effective silicone parts manufacturing process. Silicone injection molding is also ideal for applications that require minute precision. Injection molding small parts ensures that no details are missed, especially for medical use.
Silicone Overmolding Your Parts
The addition of a silicone overmold onto your plastic, metal, or silicone part can provide both a cushion and seal, which is essential to prevent debris, other biofluids, and even electrical current from passing through a medical device or instrument. Our silicone parts manufacturing process allows us to plasma etch metal and plastic parts in-house. The plasma etching process cleans the surface and creates a waterproof barrier, which also provides maximum adhesion and bonding for the silicone overmold.
What are the advantages of Liquid Silicone Rubber (LSR) for bonding?
SMI proudly uses liquid silicone rubber in our silicone parts manufacturing process. LSR is a unique thermoset material with several physical advantages when used in molding silicone parts, including biocompatibility, hydrophobic properties, and chemical and heat resistance. The bond between liquid silicone rubber and the substrate is extremely durable and will withstand movement at high and low temperatures.
Because of its viscosity, LSR silicone makes molding silicone parts at lower pressures easy.
Ready to Get Started?
Interested in getting started with silicone injection molding? Reach out to SMI’s team of experts to learn more.